Beth's Bliss 'n Blossom Farm

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Yes we are Eagles!

The eagle stood proudly on the edge of his nest. As he gazed at the mountains and valleys before him, the eagle's thoughts returned to his childhood. He could remember clearly his first attempts at flight. Time and time again he had fallen out of control toward the rocks below. Time and time again his ever vigilant mother was there to save him.

The eagle recalled asking her, "What's wrong? Am I not as powerful as you have led me to believe?" His mother's answer would provide for him one of the most extraordinary moments of his life. Sensing that he was at last ready, she revealed - the eagle's secret.

"All eagles were born to soar. It is why we were created. Our power, however, comes not from what we can see, it is in the unseen. It is the wind, not our wings, that lifts us to the high places. It is our vision, not our eyes, that makes us rulers of the skies. But, above all these, it is our spirit, not our speed, that leads us to be strong and free."

Long time, no see.

Well here I find myself into October and it has been a while since I've written anything. My web shop has kept me hopping as well as taking on a new project. And of course it is Football season and that in itself can run me ragged.
And now as if that wasn't enough Minnesota has decided to drop some snow and cold my way. My daughter came in this morning from her daily walk the dog ritual and informed me that the pool has a nice slab of ice on it. Never did get out to finish putting it away.
The one thing I do enjoy about the cold weather is the warm, yummy food. I am a true blue hot dish kinda gal. I love chilli, Green pepper and rice hot dish, Chicken wild rice, basically if it has a bunch of my favorites- mixed together- I will eat it. Gravy- the best! So I found myself at KFC (I know but it was the only thing in town) and had a KFC bowl. Absolutely sinful I tell you. Mashed potatoes then gravy then corn then popcorn chicken then MORE Gravy and on top some shredded cheese. OUTSTANDING> So I now make my own with the leftovers (yes Isabel I did say leftovers) from a great baked chicken dinner. And its better than KFC's anyday. By the time summer is waning I am sick of salads and the grill ( hard to believe but true) and I am ready for the stick to your ribs/warm you all over kinda food. I even share it with the family pets to get us all with happy, full puppy tummies.

So enjoy some fall pictures of us doing what we do- Football.