This is an excerp from a friends blog that just had me rolling- Thanks Lisa!
I needed to get out of my cave and, get in the sun. I felt a home improvement bender coming on, so I got in my car and headed for Menards, About a mile down the road, I see check engine, so I stop at the gas station add oil and, coolant and of course the light stays on. I get to Menards and I’m walking around thinking I look ok, and I look at the mirrors, and I see a big chili stain on my left boob. I've been walking around in the store for a while, talking to sales guys and stuff, how embarrassing. I go to the bathroom and, wash off my boob, so now I got a big wet left boob! So I think whatever, I am just buying bags of bark. I’m thinking .... why doesn’t the check engine light come on for us, in our minds?I go to Target and, try on some clothes and, am horrified to see how fat I got this winter, (check engine!) so I go buy some diet pills, and man do they work I was buzzing around here so hard I was seeing stars,(check engine) Oh well I got a lot done. check engine!